Jourist Verlags GmbH Приложения

Aprenda palabras en inglés 1.2
Tenemos el placer de presentar un productoúnico, Learn English Words (aprenda palabras en inglés),especialmente desarrollado para ayudarle a recordar las palabras demanera acertada, utilizando el método de instrucción con tarjetasdidácticas.La aplicación incluye más de 4.600 palabras. Cada palabra sepresenta en forma escrita e incluye una grabación de la palabra quees pronunciada por un hablante nativo de inglés.A medida que aprende, están disponibles para su uso treintadiccionarios temáticos (comida y cocina, asuntos médicos, animales,etc). También puede crear sus propios diccionarios temáticos,añadiendo sus propias palabras o seleccionándolos del diccionariogeneral.El método de aprendizaje práctico (basado en el sistema deLeitner flashcard) permite memorizar palabras en inglés lo másrápido posible. El programa ofrece una selección de cuatroejercicios diferentes: traducción al español, traducción al Inglés,dictado y adivinanza de palabras.★ El programa ha sido creado específicamente para usuarios dehabla hispana.★ Vocabulario con más de 4.600 palabras.★ 30 diccionarios temáticos: automóviles y transportes, en elrestaurante, terminología militar, tiempo, geografía, gramática,negocios, comida y cocina, animales, agricultura, arte, rocas yminerales, medicina, música, países, ciencia y tecnología, frutas yverduras, ropa, clima, viajes y vacaciones, plantas, familia,deporte, construcción, hogar, colores, palabras de uso común,sentimientos y emociones, escuela, idiomas.★ Creciente selección de diccionarios temáticos. La aplicaciónse actualizará cuando los nuevos diccionarios sean publicados.★ Cada palabra incluye una grabación de la palabra pronunciadapor un hablante nativo y una transcripción escrita de la palabra eninglés.★ Opción para crear y editar diccionarios personales.★ Todo el contenido se encuentra almacenado en el dispositivo,no se requiere conexión a Internet para su uso. Sólo tiene quedescargar los datos necesarios (unos 55 MB) una sola vez.★ Cuatro ejercicios diferentes para escoger: traducir alespañol, traducir al inglés, dictado y adivinar la palabra.We are pleased to presenta unique product, Inglés Learn Words (learn English words),specially developed to help you remember the words in appropriateways, using the method of instruction with flashcards.The application includes over 4,600 words. Each word ispresented in writing and includes a recording of the word that ispronounced by a native speaker of English.As you learn, are available for use specialized dictionariesthirty (food and cooking, medical, animals, etc). You can alsocreate their own specialized dictionaries, adding your own words orby selecting the general dictionary.The practical learning method (based on the Leitner flashcardsystem) to memorize English words as quickly as possible. Theprogram offers a choice of four different exercises: Spanishtranslation, English translation, dictation and word riddle.★ The program has been created specifically for Spanish-speakingusers.★ vocabulary with more than 4,600 words.★ 30 specialized dictionaries: cars and transportation, in therestaurant, military terminology, time, geography, grammar,business, food and cooking, animals, agriculture, art, rocks andminerals, medicine, music, country, science and technology, fruitand vegetables, clothes, weather, travel and vacations, plants,family, sports, construction, home, colors, common words, feelingsand emotions, school, language.★ expanding selection of thematic dictionaries. The applicationwill be updated when new dictionaries are published.★ Every word includes a recording of the word spoken by a nativespeaker and a written transcript of the English word.★ Option to create and edit personal dictionaries.★ All content is stored on the device, no Internet connectionrequired for use. Just download the necessary data (about 55 MB)once.★ Four different exercises to choose from: translated intoSpanish, translated into English, dictation and guess the word.
Impara le parole tedesche 1.2
Prezzo speciale di 0,89 € invece di 2,69 €fino al 12 maggio.Abbiamo il piacere di presentarti un prodotto unico, "Impara leparole tedesche", sviluppato appositamente per aiutarti a ricordarele parole in modo efficace utilizzando il metodo delle schede.L'applicazione include più di 5.000 parole. Ogni parola vienepresentata in forma scritta e include una registrazione dellaparola pronunciata da una persona madrelingua tedesca.Nel corso dell'apprendimento potrai accedere e utilizzare trentadizionari tematici (Cucina, Medicina, Affari e ufficio, Animali,ecc.). Puoi anche creare il tuo dizionario tematico personale,aggiungendo le tue parole personali o selezionandole dal dizionariogenerale.Questo comodo metodo di apprendimento (basato sul sistema dischede Leitner), ti permette di memorizzare le parole tedesche ilpiù rapidamente possibile. Il programma offre una selezione diquattro esercizi diversi: Traduzione in italiano, Traduzione intedesco, Dettato e Indovina la parola.★ Il programma è stato creato specificatamente per gli utenti dilingua italiana.★ Vocabolario con più di 5.000 parole.★ 30 dizionari tematici: Trasporto e veicoli, Al ristorante,Militare, Ora, Geografia, Grammatica, Affari e ufficio, Cucina,Animali, Fattoria, Arte, Rocce e minerali, Medicina, Musica, Nomidi paesi, Scienze, Frutta e verdura, Abbigliamento, Tempoatmosferico, Vacanze, Piante, Famiglia, Sport, Edifici e altrestrutture, Alloggio, Colori, Parole di uso comune, Sentimenti edemozioni, Scuola, Lingue.★ Selezione di dizionari tematici in continuo sviluppo.L'applicazione sarà aggiornata all'uscita di un nuovodizionario.★ Ogni parola include una sua registrazione pronunciata da unapersona madre lingua e una trascrizione del termine tedesco.★ Opzione per creare e modificare dizionari personali.★ Selezione di quattro esercizi diversi: Traduci in italiano,Traduci in tedesco, Dettato e Indovina la parola.Special price of € 0.89instead of € 2.69 until May 12.We are pleased to introduce a unique product, "Learn Germanwords", specially developed to help you remember the wordseffectively using the method of the cards.The application includes more than 5,000 words. Each word ispresented in written form and shall include a record of the wordpronounced by a native speaker German.In the process of learning to access and use thirty thematicdictionaries (Kitchen, Medicine, Business and office, animals,etc..). You can also create your personal dictionary theme, byadding your own personal words or selecting them from the generaldictionary.This convenient method of learning (based on the Leitner cardsystem), allows you to store the German words as quickly aspossible. The program offers a selection of four differentexercises: Italian Translation, German Translation, Dictation andGuess the word.★ The program was created specifically for users of the Italianlanguage.★ vocabulary with more than 5,000 words.★ 30 thematic dictionaries: Transport and Vehicles, therestaurant, Military, Time, Geography, Grammar, Business andOffice, Kitchen, Pets, Farm, Art, Rocks and Minerals, Medicine,Music, Names of countries, Science, Fruit and vegetables, Clothing,Weather, Holidays, Plants, Family, Sport, buildings and otherfacilities, Accommodation, Colors, Common Words, Feelings andemotions, School, Languages.★ Selection of thematic dictionaries in continuous development.The application will be updated release of a new dictionary.★ Every word includes a recording of a person pronounced bynative speakers and a transcript of the German term.★ Option to create and edit personal dictionaries.★ Selection of four different exercises: Translate in Italian,Translate in German, Dictation and Guess the word.
Englische Vokabeln lernen PRO 3.1.1
Lernen Sie effizient englische Vokabeln mitder App "Englische Vokabeln lernen PRO".Ohne Englisch kommt man heutzutage nicht mehr sehr weit. ImUrlaub, beim Business-Meeting, beim Surfen im Web: Englisch ist diewichtigste Verständigungssprache. Als Schüler, als Student oderspäter im Beruf: Vokabeln lernen lohnt sich immer!Mit einem Wortschatz von über 5.000 Wörtern bietet die AppLerninhalte für alle Lernstufen. Alle Vokabeln sind in 30Themenwörterbüchern unterteilt und wurden von einem professionellenenglischen Sprecher vertont.Das Lernverfahren der App basiert auf dem Karteikasten-Prinzip.Ihr Ziel ist es, mit 4 unterhaltsamen Übungsarten passend zumVokabeltraining nach und nach das höchste Kenntnisniveau "sehr gut"zu erreichen.Eine echte Besonderheit: Es können auch eigene Vokabellistenangelegt werden. So ist es möglich, den Wortschatz zu erweiternoder eigene Vokabellisten aus dem vorhandenen Wortschatz zuerstellen.Und das bietet die App „Englische Vokabeln lernen PRO“:• Über 5.000 vertonte englische Vokabeln zum Lernen.• 30 Themenwörterbücher: Automobile und Transport, Bauernhof,Bauwesen, Erdkunde, Familie, Farben, Gefühle,Geschäftskorrespondenz, Grammatik, Häufig verwendete Wörter,Haushalt, Im Restaurant, Kleidung, Kochen, Kunst, Ländernamen,Medizin, Militär, Musik, Obst und Gemüse, Pflanzen, Schule, Sport,Sprachen, Steine und Mineralien, Tiere, Urlaub, Wetter,Wissenschaft, Zeit.• Audiovisuelles Training: gleichzeitig zu der visuellenWahrnehmung der angezeigten Wörter auf Englisch und Deutsch, wirdder zu lernende Begriff auf beiden Sprachen vorgelesen. Zuerst hörtman das Wort auf Deutsch an, danach wird das Wort mit einerZwischenpause zweimal auf Englisch vorgelesen.• 4 Übungsarten für das Vokabeltraining: „Übersetzung aus derFremdsprache“, „Übersetzung in die Fremdsprache“, „Diktat“ und„Wörter raten“.• Universal-App mit Tablet-Unterstützung.• Anlegen eigener Vokabellisten.• Funktionalität zur Synchronisation der benutzereigenenWörterbücher und Lernerfolge zwischen den Geräten.• Alle Inhalte werden offline auf dem Gerät gespeichert. Es istkeine Internetverbindung für die Nutzung erforderlich. Sie ladennur einmalig die Inhalte auf Ihr Gerät.• Benutzeroberfläche komplett auf Deutsch.• Sehr einfache Bedienung, die für alle Altersstufenverständlich ist - vom Kind bis zum Rentner.
1000 Feuerwehrautos 2.0
Über 1000 der berühmtesten Feuerwehrfahrzeugein detaillierten Beschreibungen und brillanten Farbfotosdokumentiert.Die Einsatzfahrzeuge der Feuerwehren strahlen weltweit einegroße Faszination aus. Wo auch immer Unglücksfälle geschehen,Menschenleben und Sachgüter in Gefahr geraten, sind sie im Einsatz.Lexikon der 1000 Feuerwehrautos aus aller Welt dokumentiert indetaillierten Beschreibungen und brillanten Farbfotos über 1000 derberühmtesten Feuerwehrfahrzeuge. Von den ersten mobilenDampfspritzen bis zum mit modernster Elektronik, Computertechnikund jede Menge Motorleistung ausgestatteten Fire-Truck werden allebedeutenden und auch teils schon in Vergessenheit geratenen Typenund Modelle vorgestellt. So entfaltet sich ein beeindruckendesPanorama der Feuerwehrautos aus allen Kontinenten der Erde.Detaillierte Angaben zum Verwendungszweck, Fahrgestelltyp, Baujahr,Löschwasservorrat und zur Leistung der Pumpe machen die App zueinem interessanten Nachschlagewerk mit höchstem Nutzwert für jedenFeuerwehr-Fan.
1000 Sportwagen aus aller Welt 2.0
Elektronisches Lexikon mit mehr als 1000 Fotosder berühmtesten Sportwagen und detaillierte Angaben.- Elektronisches Lexikon mit mehr als 1000 Fotos derberühmtesten Sportwagen- Enthält detaillierte Angaben zu Modell, Baujahr, Hubraum,Leistung, gebauter Stückzahl sowie den technischenBesonderheiten.- Berühmte Marken wie Aston Martin, Bugatti, Chevrolet, Jaguar undMaserati sind ebenso enthalten wie die schon fast vergessenen -Modelle von Lagonda, Railton, Ruxton oder Spyker.1000 Sportwagen aus aller Welt dokumentiert mit weit über 1000brillanten Fotografien und detaillierten Beschreibungen den Traumvon Geschwindigkeit und sportlicher Eleganz. Vom Beginn des 20.Jahrhunderts bis heute wird ein eindrucksvolles Bild dertechnischen Entwicklung in der Fabrikation edler und rasanterSportwagen gezeichnet - von den Klassikern der Schnellstraße bis zuden zukunftsweisenden Concept-Cars unserer Tage.Detaillierte Angaben zu Hubraum, PS, kW, Baujahr und produzierterStückzahl sowie firmenhistorische Besonderheiten machen diese Appzu einem exzellenten Nachschlagewerk mit einer unvergleichlichenInformationsfülle für jeden Sportwagen-Liebhaber und Sammler.
1000 Traktoren aus aller Welt 2.0
Dokumentation mit detaillierten Beschreibungenund brillanten Farbfotos der über 1000 der berühmtesten Traktoren.Wie keine andere Maschine hat der Traktor die Entwicklung dermodernen Landwirtschaft beeinflusst. Das Softwareprogramm Lexikonder 1000 Traktoren dokumentiert in detaillierten Beschreibungen undbrillanten Farbfotos über 1000 der berühmtesten Traktoren.Ausgehend von den dampfbetriebenen Ahnen bis hin zu denvielseitigen Giganten der Moderne wird die Entwicklung derMotorisierung der Landwirtschaft wiedergegeben. In diesemumfangreichen Nachschlagewerk werden internationalen Marken undModelle vorgestellt, und sowohl hinsichtlich ihrer Marken- wie auchihrer Epochenzugehörigkeit direkt mit einem Mausklick zugänglichgemacht. Angaben zu Baujahr, Hubraum und Leistung sind neben derTypenbezeichnung und den Besonderheiten ebenso enthalten wie dieProduktionszahlen.
Biplanes, Triplanes and Seapla 2.0
300 of the most important and influentialmulti-wing aircraft rom the dawn of aviation in one app.Biplanes, Triplanes and Seaplanes contains 300 of the mostimportant and influential multi-wing aircraft from the dawn ofaviation until their gradual replacement by monoplanes, andincludes the development of seaplanes until their eclipse bycarrier-borne aircraft at the end of World War II. Types used inboth major wars of the 20th century are listed inside, such as theSopwith Camel, the Red Baron’s Fokker Triplane, the FaireySwordfish and the Consolidated Catalina. Popular and famousexamples of civil aircraft of the inter-war period like the TigerMoth and Supermarine S.5 are also included.Each aircraft featured is illustrated by a full-colourside-profile artwork, and accompanied by a detailed specificationstable giving country of origin, type, powerplant, performance,weights, dimensions, and armament where appropriate. Allmeasurements are given in imperial and metric measures. In additionthere is accompanying text for each aircraft that summarizes theirdevelopment and service history.★ 300 biplanes, triplanes and seaplanes featured, each oneillustrated by a full-colour artwork★ Full dimensions, weights, performance and armaments providedfor each aircraft, all measurements in imperial and metric★ Each aircraft’s development history and career described infull★ Quick search functions by country of origin andmanufacturer★ Favorites section★ All data stored offline on your device's SD card. Internetconnection only required for the first database download (ca. 30MB)or for database updating.AuthorMichael Sharpe is a freelance aviation writer who has written fornumerous publications, including The Military Yearbook. He is alsothe author of Great Air Disasters.
Language Coach Select 3.2.2
Jourist Verlags GmbH
Language Coach Lite is a language learning appthat helps you to learn the 268 most common words and phrases in 33languages. Language Coach Lite is ideal for all those wishing tolearn some words and phrases for use on holiday, as well as thoselooking to brush up their language skills. The learning method isbased on the flashcard drill concept. Your aim is to reach thehighest proficiency level of "Very good".An advanced version of the learning content, with more than 2,200illustrated words and phrases for each language, is availabledirectly within the app. You can also purchase a set containing all33 languages. This option will save you money if you need more thanone target language. An advanced version of Language Coach, withall 33 languages and more than 2,200 illustrated words and phrases,is also available on Google Play.With Language Coach Lite you get:• 268 illustrated words and phrases with audio tracks from theBasics category of each language, free of charge.• Up to 32 learning languages: German, French, Spanish (Spain),Spanish (Latin America), Italian, Portuguese (Portugal), Portuguese(Brazil), Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Polish,Czech, Slovak, Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Hungarian, Romanian,Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Hebrew, Thai, Hindi,Vietnamese, Farsi, Catalan, Romanian and Ukrainian.• All words and phrases are spoken by native speakers.• The learning method is based on the flashcard drillconcept.• Eight different types of entertaining exercise for enhancing yourvocabulary training.• All content stored on the device; no Internet connection requiredfor use. You need to download the required languages onceonly.• Extremely easy to follow for all ages, from children topensioners.
Audio City Guides 2.1
"Audio City Guides. World Edition" is a uniquetourist product which will captivate you on your visits toBarcelona, Berlin, Vienna, Venice, London, New York, Paris, Prague,Rome and St. Petersburg. Enjoy the thrilling stories about the citysights voiced by professionals and immerse yourself in thedistinctive city atmosphere.Each audio guide, like a professional guide, will tell you aboutthe city's wonderful places of interest, will show you pictures ofthem and their location on an included off-line map of thecity.After downloading the desired cities, no Internet connection isrequired. This saves you from roaming fees while you areabroad.• The program provides access to 10 cities: Barcelona, Berlin,Vienna, Venice, London, New York, Paris, Prague, Rome and St.Petersburg in Russia. You download only the cities you want to.• New cities are in the pipeline. The app will be updated assoon as new audio guides are published.• All the sights are described in detail, recorded byprofessionals and accompanied by photographs.• Universal App (Tablet + Phone)• Internet connection is required only to download the cities.After that the app works offline.• High resolution offline maps, which require no roamingcosts.
Recipes Genius 1.1
485 recipes step by step with more than 3,500photos"Recipes Genius" knows 485 recipes from a wide range of areaswhich are easily put into practice in every kitchen, thanks toexpert app-instructions. Step-by-step instructions for each recipeare a special feature, where more than 3,500 high-resolution photosare put to use and each interim result is displayed. Cookingbecomes child's play.The 485 recipes of the app have been divided into variouscategories for a better overview. In this way, it is easy to findpreparation instructions for such things as egg dishes, fish andseafood, meat dishes, beverages, porridge, cake, pasta or mushroomdishes. Also pizza, rice, sauce and soup recipes are included. The"Recipes Genius" also deals intensively with sushi and sashimi,cakes and pies as well as with all kinds of appetizers. New recipescan be added to the app via free updates.Upon opening a recipe, the "Recipes Genius" shows a photo of thefinished dish, calories per person and the time required forpreparation. A list of ingredients with quantity details can easilybe added to the shopping basket. It helps with selective shoppinglater on, also for several dishes. If you wish, you can take alongyour iPad or iPhone on the shopping tour and simply check off theingredients you need at the tap of a fingertip. There is also theoption of having the list sent by e-mail or SMS.The "Recipes Genius" includes other features as well. Forexample, there is an assistant that can be helpful in selectingsuitable recipes. In this manner, the app displays only thoserecipes able to be implemented according to the contents of yourfridge. In addition, there is a timer visualized as a countdown ofthe time required for a dish to simmer or to remain in the oven.Your own favorite recipes can also be saved in a list offavorites.The "Recipes Genius" is connected to the social network. Thisallows recipes to be put directly onto your Facebook pinboard - asan idea for friends or a status report of what is sizzling in yourown kitchen at the moment. Notes function allows the creating ofyour own recipes, complete with photos. The app can thus be used tomanage your own recipes.★ 485 recipes from many categories★ With list of ingredients and shopping list★ Step-by-step instructions for every recipe★ One photo for each work step★ Calories per person and time required★ Assistant shows recipes suitable for the contents of yourfridge and sorts the recipes according to time required andcalories per person★ More than 3,500 photos available in the app★ Free updates★ All contents available offline. You only need to download therecipes database ones (about 190MB).★ Recipes can be added to a list of favorites★ Send shopping list per e-mail or SMS★ Notes function to save your own recipe ideas with photos★ Integration with Facebook★ Share your favorite recipes with your friends.
1000 Pferde aus aller Welt 2.0
Eine einzigartige Zusammenstellungherausragender Bilder und sachkundiger Texte zur faszinierendenWelt der Pferde.Dieses elektronische Lexikon zeigt die Welt der Pferde in ihrerganzen Vielfalt. Denn Pferd ist nicht gleich Pferd: Es gibt eineVielzahl von Rassen, von Einsatzmöglichkeiten, vonVerhaltensweisen. Jedes Pferd hat einen ganz eigenen Charakter. Mitdieser einzigartigen Zusammenstellung herausragender Bilder undsachkundiger Texte erhält man schnell einen direkten Zugang zurfaszinierenden Welt der Pferde. Dabei reichen die Bilder vonSchnappschüssen neugeborener Fohlen bis hin zu dramatischen undkuriosen Fotos aus dem Pferdesport und der freien Wildbahn.
Учу английские слова 3.1.1
Jourist Verlags GmbH
Мы рады представить Вам уникальный продукт"Учу английские слова" специально разработанный для эффективногозапоминания слов по методике интервальных повторений с карточками.Мы учли многие пожелания пользователей наших предыдущих приложенийи сделали программу ещё более универсальной и очень удобной.Все слова озвучены профессиональным диктором - носителеманглийского языка и имеют транскрипцию.Более 700 самых часто употребляемых английских слов представленов приложении. Версия PRO содержит более 5000 слов. Все слова имеюттранскрипцию и озвучены носителем английского языка. Дополнительноприложение дает Вам возможность самостоятельно создавать своитематические словари, добавляя туда собственные слова или выбираяих из общего словаря.Удобная система обучения (основанная на системе интервальныхповторений Лейтнера с карточками) позволит Вам максимальнопродуктивно запоминать английские слова. В программе доступно 4варианта упражнений на выбор: "Перевод на русский язык", "Переводна английский язык", "Диктант" и "Угадай слово".• Более 700 самых часто употребляемых английских слов совершеннобесплатно. Версия PRO содержит более 5000 слов.• Программа создана специально для русскоязычныхпользователей.• Все слова озвучены носителем английского языка. Транскрипциядля каждого английского слова.• Возможность создания и редактирования собственныхсловарей.• 4 варианта упражнений на выбор: "Перевод на русский язык","Перевод на английский язык", "Диктант" и "Угадай слово".• Возможность сохранения и синхронизации пользовательскихсловарей и результатов обучения между устройствами. Синхронизациябудет работать и с PRO-версией.• Упражнение для аудиовизуального запоминания слов: одновременносо слуховым восприятием, Вы видите написание на русском ианглийском языке. Сначала слово произносится на русском языке,затем проигрывается его перевод на английский и после короткойпаузы английское произносится ещё раз для повторения. Одновременноевосприятие аудиоматериала и визуальное восприятие текста являетсянаиболее эффективным методом заучивания слов.We are pleased tointroduce a unique product, "I teach the English words" speciallydesigned for efficient memorization of words according to themethod of interval repetitions with cards. We took into account thewishes of many users of our previous applications and made theprogram even more versatile and very comfortable.All words sounded a professional speaker - native Englishspeaker and have transcription.More than 700 of the most common English words presented in theappendix. PRO version includes more than 5000 words. All words havesounded transcription and native English speaker. Additionally, theapp gives you the opportunity to create their own specializeddictionaries, adding there own words or by selecting them from thecommon vocabulary.Easy system of training (based on the system of intervalrepetitions Leitner with cards) allow you to maximize theproductive memorize English words. The program is available 4different exercises to choose from: "Russian translation","Translation into English", "Dictation" and "Guess the word."• More than 700 of the most common English words for free. PROversion includes more than 5000 words.• The program is designed specifically for English-speakingusers.• All of the words sounded a native English speaker.Transcription for each English word.• Ability to create and edit your own dictionaries.• 4 exercises to choose from: "Russian translation","Translation into English", "Dictation" and "Guess the word."• Ability to save and synchronize user dictionaries and learningoutcomes between devices. Sync will work with the PRO-version.• Exercise for audiovisual memorizing words: simultaneously withthe auditory perception, you see the writing in Russian andEnglish. First, the word is pronounced in Russian, then played ittranslated into English and after a short pause to pronounceEnglish again to repeat. Simultaneous perception of audio contentand the visual perception of the text is the most effective methodof learning words.
1000 Bagger aus aller Welt 2.0
Elektronisches Lexikon mit mehr als 1000Baumaschinen vieler namhafter Hersteller wie Caterpillar, Daewoo,Hitachi.- Elektronisches Lexikon mit mehr als 1000 Baumaschinenfotosvieler namhafter Hersteller wie: Atlas, Bobcat, Caterpillar,Daewoo, John Deere, Hitachi, Hyundai, ICB, Ingersoll Rand, Komatsu,Liebherr, - Moxy, Tadano Faun, Terex O & K und Volvo.- mit einer verständlichen Geschichte der Baumaschinen- Fachbegriffe werden in einem umfangreichen Glossarerläutert.- Selektieren Sie aus den Bildern einen gewünschtenBildschirmhintergrund.Baumaschinen sind aus dem heutigen Alltag nicht mehrwegzudenken. Durch ihre gewaltige Größe und Kraft strahlen Sie einestarke Faszination aus. Wo immer auf dieser Welt Straßen, Häuseroder Bahntrassen erstellt, Material abgebaut, und Abraum aufTransportfahrzeuge verladen wird, sind diese Giganten im Einsatz.Was früher in mühevoller Handarbeit verrichtet wurde, wird heuteschnell und sicher von hoch technisierten Maschinen erledigt.Starten Sie mit dem "Lexikon der 1000 Baumaschinen" in dieGeschichte der Hersteller. Erfahren Sie in detailliertenBeschreibungen und insgesamt über 1000 brillanten Fotos alles überdie spannende Entwicklung der verschiedenen Nutzfahrzeugtypen. Vonden ersten Dampfwalzen und Greifbaggern bis zu den mit modernsterElektronik, Hydraulik und jeder Menge Motorleistung ausgestattetenheutigen Baumaschinen werden alle bedeutenden Typen und Modellevorgestellt. Detaillierte Angaben zu jedem Fahrzeugtyp wieVerwendungszweck, Größe, Betriebsgewicht, und Motorleistung, machendieses Nachschlagewerk zu einem Muss für den Baumaschinen-Fan.Daneben werden in einem Rückblick über 200 historische Fahrzeugemitsamt einiger bereits in Vergessenheit geratener Maschinentypenvorgestellt.
Attack and Interceptor Jets 2.0
300 of the most important and influentialmilitary aircraft that fought between 1939 and 1945 in one app.Attack and Interceptor Jets contains 300 of the most importantand influential military jet aircraft that have flown since WorldWar II, including such famous aircraft as the Messerschmitt Me 262,English Electric Lightning, Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, and NorthAmerican F-86 Sabre. Attack and Interceptor Jets also includesaircraft that are currently in service around the world, such asthe General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon, Saab Gripen, SukhoiSu-27 ‘Flanker’, and McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle.Each of the 300 aircraft featured in Attack and Interceptor Jetsis illustrated with the aid of a superb colour artwork. Inaddition, the artwork is accompanied by a detailed specificationstable giving dimensions, powerplant, armament, performance, andweights, plus accompanying text that summarises the design,development, and service history of each type.★ 300 military jet aircraft featured, each one illustrated by afull-colour artwork★ Full dimensions, weights, armament and powerplant detailsprovided for each aircraft, all measurements in imperial andmetric★ Each aircraft’s development history and career in full★ Quick search functions for country and manufacturer★ Favourites section★ All data stored offline on your device's SD card. Internetconnection only required for the first database download (ca. 30MB)or for database updating.AuthorMichael Sharpe is a freelance aviation writer who has written fornumerous publications, including The Military Yearbook. He is alsothe author of Great Air Disasters.
1000 Panzer 2.3
Mit über 1000 brillanten Fotos unddetaillierten Beschreibungen dokumentiert diese App die spannendeGeschichte der militärischen Fahrzeugtechnik.Von den ersten motorisierten und gepanzerten Fahrzeugen bis zu denheutigen mit modernster Elektronik und umfangreicherSpezialausrüstung ausgestatteten, leistungsstarkenHightech-Kampfpanzern werden alle bedeutenden und auch teils schonin Vergessenheit geratenen Typen und Modelle vorgestellt. Soentfaltet sich die gesamte Bandbreite des militärischenFahrzeugbaus von den Anfängen bis heute.Detaillierte Angaben zu allen abgebildeten Fahrzeugen, wieVerwendungszweck, Baujahr, Gewicht, Motorleistung, Bewaffnung undPanzerung, machen diese App zu einem interessanten Nachschlagewerkmit höchstem Nutzwert für jeden Technikbegeisterten undMilitärfahrzeug-Fan.★ Über 1000 detailgetreue Fotos der Panzer und andererMilitärfahrzeuge.★ Detaillierte Angaben zu Modell, Baujahr, Leistung, Hubraum undBauart.★ Selektion nach Epoche und Fahrzeugkategorie.★ Suchfunktion zum schnellen Auffinden der Fahrzeuge.With over 1,000 brilliantphotos and detailed descriptions documented this app the excitinghistory of military vehicle technology.From the first motorized and armored vehicles up to the presentwith the latest electronics and extensive special equipmentequipped, powerful high-tech battle tanks all major and past evensome already forgotten types and models are presented. Thus thefull range of military vehicle manufacturing unfolds from thebeginning to today.Detailed information on all pictured vehicles such asapplication, registration, weight, power, weapons and armor makethis app an interesting reference with the highest utility valuefor each technology enthusiasts and military vehicleenthusiast.★ Over 1000 detailed photos of tanks and other militaryvehicles.★ Detailed information on the model, year, performance, capacityand type.★ Selection by age and vehicle category.★ search function to quickly locate the vehicles.
1000 Motorräder 2.2
Mit dieser App gehen Sie auf eine spannendeEntdeckungsreise durch die faszinierende Welt der Motorräder.Kaum ein Fortbewegungsmittel weckt so viele Emotionen wie dasMotorrad. Dieses opulente Buch ist viel mehr als ein reinesNachschlagewerk und trägt dem in jeder Hinsicht Rechnung: Ebensobegeisternd wie kenntnisreich führt ein von Fachautoren in einerausführlichen Einleitung durch die Entwicklungsgeschichte desKultobjekts Motorrad von der Dampfmaschine unter dem Fahrradsattelbis zu den achtzylindrigen Superbikes der Gegenwart. In prägnantenTexten von Aprilia bis Zündapp erfährt Sie alles, was man über mehrals 60 der bedeutendsten Marken der Welt und 1000 derfaszinierendsten Motorräder wissen muss. Über die Erfindung desOtto-Motors, den Einzug der großen japanischen Marken auf demeuropäischen Markt, die von namhaften Designern gestaltetenMaschinen der 70er und 80er Jahre, die neuesten Modelle des Jahres2005 und über vieles mehr berichtet dieses fachkundig geschriebeneund brillante Werk. Jede Marke wird mit den Höhepunkten ihrerEntwicklungsgeschichte im Zusammenhang der historischen undtechnischen Entwicklung eines Landes in der Einleitung vorgestelltund durch detaillierte Angaben zu Modell, Baujahr, Leistung,Hubraum und Bauart ergänzt.★ Über 1000 detailgetreue Fotos der Motorräder.★ Detaillierte Angaben zu Modell, Baujahr, Leistung, Hubraum undBauart.★ Selektion nach Epoche, Leistungsgruppe, Hubraumklasse,Taktklasse und Bauart .★ Suchfunktion zum schnellen Auffinden der Motorräder.With this app, you go onan exciting journey through the fascinating world of motorcycles.Hardly a means of generating so many emotions as the motorcycle.This lavish book is much more than just a reference book, and takesfully into account: Just inspiring how knowledgeable launches fromauthors in an extensive introduction by the history of the cultobject motorcycle from the steam engine under the saddle up to theeight-cylinder Superbikes of the present. In concise texts fromAprilia to Zundapp you learn everything you need to know about morethan 60 of the most important brands in the world and 1000 of themost fascinating motorcycles. The invention of the gasoline engine,the entry of the big Japanese brands in the European market, themachines designed by renowned designers of the 70s and 80s, thelatest models of 2005 and more reports of this expertly written andbrilliant work. Each brand is with the highlights of their historyin the context of historical and technological development of acountry presented in the introduction and subsequent, more detailedinformation on model, year, performance, capacity and type.★ Over 1000 detailed photos of the motorcycles.★ Detailed information on the model, year, performance, capacityand type.★ selection by Era, power group, displacement category, classand type of stroke.★ search feature to quickly find the motorcycles.
1000 Schienenfahrzeuge 2.2
Mit über 1000 Abbildungen dokumentiert dieseApp die spannende Entwicklung des SchienenverkehrsSchienenfahrzeuge sind Symbole für Fortschritt, Leistungskraft undtechnische Höchstleistungen sowie gleichermaßen für dastraditionelle und das hochmoderne Transportwesen. Mit über 1000Abbildungen dokumentiert diese App die spannende Entwicklung desSchienenverkehrs von den frühen Pferdebahnen bis zu modernenHochgeschwindigkeitszügen. Straßenbahnen, U-Bahnen, Dampf-, Diesel-und Elektrolokomotiven, Schwebe- und Bergbahnen die verschiedenstenFahrzeugtypen des internationalen Nah- und Fernverkehrs in allerWelt werden mit ihren Besonderheiten und detaillierten technischenLeistungsmerkmalen vorgestellt. Diese App ermöglicht sowohlgezieltes Nachschlagen als auch begeistertes Vertiefen in diespannende Welt der Eisenbahngeschichte.★ Über 1000 Abbildungen.★ Detaillierte Angaben zu Modell, Baujahr, Fahrzeugart undGeschichte.★ Selektion nach Epoche, Fahrzeugart und Land.★ Suchfunktion zum schnellen Auffinden der Fahrzeuge.With over 1000 imagesdocumenting this app the exciting development of rail transportRail vehicles are symbols of progress, performance and technicalexcellence, as well as equally suitable for both conventional andadvanced transportation. With over 1000 images documenting this appthe exciting development of the railways from the early horse-drawntrams to modern high-speed trains. Trams, underground trains,steam, diesel and electric locomotives, floating and lift differentvehicle types of international and long-distance traffic in theworld will be presented with their characteristics and detailedtechnical performance characteristics. This app allows bothtargeted reference and enthusiastic immersion in the exciting worldof railway history.★ More than 1000 pictures.★ Detailed information on the model, year, vehicle type andhistory.★ Selection by age, vehicle type and country.★ search function to quickly locate the vehicles.
Словариус 1.4
Jourist Verlags GmbH
Более 135 уникальных словарей от авторитетныхевропейских издательств на 14 языках: русский, английский,немецкий, французский, испанский, итальянский, турецкий, финский,чешский, голландский, датский, норвежский, португальский, шведский.Основные языки: английский и немецкий (перевод с русского языка ина русский язык). Для этих языков в общей сложности доступно 126всевозможных тематических и профессиональных словарей. Среди нихесть уникальные профессиональные словари, которые раньше никогда неиздавались в электронном виде.Большие словари общей лексики для всех доступных языков ужевключены в стоимость программы, Вам не нужно покупать ихдополнительно! Например, англо-русский словарь общей лексикиобъёмом 152 тыс. словарных статей и русско-английский словарь общейлексики объёмом 162 тыс. словарных статей доступны сразу послепокупки программ!Мощнейшая система поиска с чёткой классификацией результатов("Полное совпадение, Полное совпадение словоформ", "Полноесовпадение во фразах", "Полное совпадение словоформ во фразах","Частичное совпадение" и пр.) — Вы получаете именно то, что хотитенайти. Подключите 5, 10 или 20 словарей одновременно, программабудет продолжать работать быстро.Ищите именно в тех словарях, которые Вам нужны. Можно искать полюбой двунаправленной языковой группе словарей (например,русско-английской и англо-русской). А можно искать по одномуконкретному словарю. Всё очень просто — от Вас требуется лишь однокасание к экрану для выбора.Перевод не только отдельных слов, но и перевод всех слов вофразе. Поддержка морфологии (словоформ) при поиске для русского,английского, немецкого, французского, испанского и итальянскогоязыков.Перевод из буфера обмена. Включите эту функцию в настройках, иВы автоматически будете видеть перевод содержимого буфера обменапри открытии Словариус.More than 135 uniquedictionaries from authoritative European publishers in 14languages: Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian,Turkish, Finnish, Czech, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Portuguese,Swedish.Major languages: English and German (translated from Russianlanguage and Russian language). For these languages, a total of 126available various thematic and professional dictionaries. Amongthem are the unique professional dictionaries, which have neverbeen published in electronic form.Big dictionary of common vocabulary for all available languages​​are included in the cost of the program, you do not have to buythem extra! For example, the Anglo-Russian Dictionary of 152thousand entries and Russian-English dictionary of commonvocabulary of 162 thousand entries are available immediately afterpurchase programs!A powerful search engine with a clear classification of results("Exact Match, Exact Match word forms", "Exact Match the phrases","Exact Match word forms in the phrases", "Overlap", etc.) - you getexactly what you want to find. Connect the 5, 10 or 20 dictionariesat the same time, the program will continue to run fast.Look in those dictionaries that you need. You can search for anybi-lingual dictionaries group (for example, Russian-English andEnglish-Russian). And you can search for one particular dictionary.It's simple - you have to do only one touch to the screen forselection.The translation is not only words, but also the translation ofall the words in the phrase. Support morphology (word forms) whensearching for Russian, English, German, French, Spanish andItalian.Translated from the clipboard. Enable this feature in thesettings and you'll see automatically translate the clipboardcontents at the opening Slovarius.
1000 Lokomotiven aus der Welt 2.0
Die Software dokumentiert in über 1000farbigen Abbildungen die Klassiker auf den nationalen undinternationalen Schienen.Die Faszination, die von Lokomotiven auf Jung und Alt ausgeht,ist ungebrochen. Die stählernen Kolosse stehen gleichermaßen fürnostalgische Gefühle und den Fortschritt in der Verkehrstechnik.Die Software dokumentiert in über 1000 farbigen Abbildungen dieKlassiker auf den nationalen und internationalen Schienen. DerEisenbahn-Fan erhält zu jeder Lokomotive umfangreicheHintergrundinformationen nebst detaillierten Angaben zu Baujahr und-art, Leistung, Länge über Puffer, Dienstmasse sowie der weltweitproduzierten Stückzahl. Informative Texte mit über 1000 brillantenFotografien und die komfortablen Zugriffs- und Suchmöglichkeitenmachen die Software zu einem überwältigendem Überblickswerk überdie weltweit eingesetzten Lokomotiven.
Twentieth-Century Artillery 4.3.2
Jourist Verlags GmbH
300 of the most important examples of artillery
Dinosaurier 2.2
it dieser App gehen Sie auf eine spannendeEntdeckungsreise durch das Reich der Dinosaurier und ihrerVerwandten.Dinosaurier und andere Riesenechsen strahlen eine besondereFaszination aus - über 150 Millionen Jahre lang beherrschten sie ineindrucksvoller Vielfalt die Erde, um dann urplötzlich am Ende desErdmittelalters fast vollständig auszusterben. Doch diespektakulären Funde ihrer versteinerten Reste brachten sie wiederans Tageslicht und enthüllen nun mithilfe modernsterwissenschaftlicher Methoden Stück für Stück ihre Geheimnisse. Vonden ersten Urreptilien bis zu den gewaltigen Dinosauriern, Flug-und Meeresreptilien werden alle berühmten Gattungen und Artenvorgestellt. Über 1000 detailgetreue Abbildungen und sachkundigeBeschreibungen lassen die Riesenechsen der Urzeit wieder lebendigwerden und ermöglichen einen genauen Blick auf ihr Aussehen, ihreLebensweise und ihre damalige Umwelt. So entfaltet sich die gesamteBandbreite ihrer Entwicklung bis zu ihrem endgültigen Untergang.Detaillierte Angaben zu weit über 300 Sauriergattungen, wieFundorte und Entdecker, Lebensraum und Zeitepoche, Nahrung,Körpergröße und Gewicht, machen dieses Buch zu einemunentbehrlichen Nachschlagewerk für jeden Saurier-Fan.★ Über 1000 detailgetreue Abbildungen und sachkundigeBeschreibungen★ Detaillierte Angaben zu Art, Lebensraum, Fundorten, Zeitraum,Größe und Gewicht.★ Selektion nach Epoche der Entdeckung, Zeitraum undGewichtsgruppe.★ Suchfunktion zum schnellen Auffinden der this app, you go on anexciting journey through the world of dinosaurs and theirrelatives.Dinosaurs and other giant lizards radiate a special fascination -over 150 million years, they dominated in an impressive variety ofthe earth, and then all of a sudden at the end of the Mesozoic eraalmost completely extinct. But the spectacular finds of theirfossil remains, they brought back to light and reveal now using thelatest scientific methods, piece by piece, their secrets. Of thefirst primal reptiles to the mighty dinosaurs, pterosaurs andmarine reptiles all famous genera and species are presented. Over1,000 detailed illustrations and descriptions informed thedinosaurs prehistoric times can come to life and provide a closelook at their appearance, their lifestyle and their formerenvironment. Thus, the whole range of development unfolds to itsfinal demise. Detailed information on more than 300 dinosaurgenera, such as sites and explorers, habitat and time period, diet,body size and weight, making this book an essential reference forany dinosaur fan.★ More than 1,000 detailed illustrations and descriptionsinformed★ Detailed information on species, habitats, archaeologicalsites, period, height and weight.★ selection by Era of discovery period and weight group.★ search feature to quickly find the dinosaurs.
My first foreign words 1.8.2
We are pleased to present to you an easy,interactive and effective way to share 29 foreign languages withyour child.Using „My first foreign words and phrases“ your child will soonachieve great results on path to learn the chosen foreignlanguage.Choose from 6 different categories: Basics, Time, Food, Health andHygiene, Clothes and Accessories and Mail and Tech. Each of theover 200 words and phrases per language come with a memorableillustration and is articulated by our professional speakers."My first foreign words and phrases" contains 29 foreign languages:German, French, Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Latin America), Italian,Portuguese (Portugal), Portuguese (Brazil), Danish, Dutch, Finnish,Swedish, Norwegian, Polish, Czech, Slovakian, Russian, Bulgarian,Greek, Hungarian, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese,Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, Hindi and Thai- Choose from 29 languages.- Over 200 words and phrases illustrated and articulated perlanguage.- All phases are articulated by native speakers.- Each word and phrase is illustrated, making them even easier tomemorise.- Concise and logical division of content into topics andsub-topics.- Extremely easy to follow for all ages
1000 Automobile aus aller Welt 2.0
1000 Automobile aus aller WeltDer technische und wirtschaftliche Fortschritt im Automobilbauvon 1896 bis 1975 anhand von mehr als 1000 Automobilen auf IhremAndroid-Gerät.Kaum eine Erfindung hat das Leben der Menschen so nachhaltigverändert wie das Automobil. Das elektronische Lexikon dokumentiertden technischen und wirtschaftlichen Fortschritt im Automobilbauvon 1896 bis 1975 anhand von mehr als 1000 Automobilen, die ininformativen Texten und mit brillanten Fotos vorgestelltwerden.Ausgehend von den Ahnen der heutigen Marktführer bis hin zu denchromblitzenden Straßenkreuzern der Aufschwungjahre wird dieEntwicklung des technischen Fortschritts wiedergegeben.Aber nicht nur edle Klassiker werden vorgestellt, sondern auchdie erfolgreichen Massenprodukte, die das Automobilzeitalterprägten. Der Benutzer lernt in diesem umfangreichen Nachschlagewerkviele interessante Fakten zu den einzelnen Marken und Modellen, undkann sich mit Hilfe der Suchfunktion schnell vergleichbare Modelleansehen. Dabei werden für jedes Automobil immer neben derTypenbezeichnung und den Besonderheiten auch Angaben zu Baujahr,Hubraum und Leistung gemacht.Nachschlagewerk mit einem hohenNutzwert.
Aprenda inglês 1.2
Oferta especial limitada. Preço é 2,00 BRL emvez de 6,00 BRLÉ com prazer que apresentamos um produto diferenciado, Aprendainglês, especialmente desenvolvido para ajudar a memorizar palavrasatravés do método de treinamento flashcard.O aplicativo contém mais de 4.600 palavras, cada uma apresentadano formato escrito com uma gravação da pronúncia por falantesnativos do idioma.São 30 dicionários divididos em tópicos para facilitar seuaprendizado (Alimentos e culinária, Medicina, Negócios, Animais,etc.). Você também pode criar seu próprio dicionário, acrescentandopalavras selecionadas do dicionário geral.O método de aprendizado é bastante conveniente (baseado noSistema Leitner de Flashcards) e permite a memorização rápida dosvocábulos. O programa dispõe de quatro exercícios diferentes:Tradução ao português, Tradução ao inglês, Ditado e Adivinhar apalavra.★ O programa foi elaborado especificamente para usuáriosbrasileiros.★ O vocabulário conta com mais de 4.600 palavras.★ São 30 dicionários divididos em tópicos: Transporte eveículos, No restaurante, Terminologia militar, Hora, Geografia,Gramática, Empresas, Alimentos e culinária, Animais, Fazenda, Arte,Pedras e minerais, Medicina, Música, Países, Ciência e tecnologia,Frutas e legumes, Roupas, Clima, Viagem e férias, Plantas, Família,Esporte, Construção, Casa, Cores, Palavras comuns, Sentimentos eemoções, Escola, Idiomas.★ Uma seleção crescente de dicionários. O aplicativo éatualizado à medida que novos dicionários são lançados.★ Cada palavra contém uma gravação da pronúncia por um falantenativo e a transcrição da palavra em inglês.★ Todo o conteúdo está armazenado no dispositivo, não énecessária uma conexão internet para usá-lo. Você só precisar osdados necessários (cerca de 55 MB) somente uma vez.★ Opção de criar e editar seus próprios dicionários.★ Quatro exercícios diferentes à sua escolha: Tradução aoportuguês, Tradução ao inglês, Ditado e Adivinhar a palavra.Special offer limited.Price is instead of 2.00 BRL 6.00 BRLIt is our pleasure to present a differentiated product, LearnEnglish, specially developed to help you memorize words throughtraining method flashcard.The app contains more than 4,600 words, each presented inwritten format with a recording of the pronunciation by nativespeakers.Dictionaries are divided into 30 topics for easy learning (Foodand Cooking, Medicine, Business, Pets, etc..). You can also createyour own dictionary, adding selected words from the dictionarygeneral.The learning method is quite convenient (based on the LeitnerSystem Flashcards) and allows rapid memorization of words. Theprogram offers four different exercises: Translation intoPortuguese, Translation into English, Dictation and guess theword.★ The program is designed specifically for Brazilian users.★ The vocabulary includes more than 4,600 words.★ dictionaries are divided into 30 topics: Transport andVehicles, In the restaurant, Military terminology, Time, Geography,Grammar, Business, Food and Cooking, Pets, Property, Art, Stonesand minerals, Medicine, Music, Countries, Science and Technology,Fruits and vegetables, Clothing, Weather, Travel and Vacation,Plants, Family, Sports, Construction, Home, Colors, Common Words,Feelings and emotions, School, Languages.★ A growing selection of dictionaries. The application isupdated as new dictionaries are posted.★ Each word contains a recording of pronunciation by a nativespeaker and transcription of the word in English.★ All content is stored on the device, no internet connection isrequired to use it. You only need the necessary data (about 55 MB)only once.★ Option to create and edit your own dictionaries.★ Four different exercises to choose from: Translation intoPortuguese, Translation into English, Dictation and guess theword.
1000 Schiffe aus aller Welt 2.0
Elektronisches Lexikon mit mehr als 1000 Fotosder berühmtesten Schiffe und detaillierten Angaben zu jedemSchiffstyp.- Elektronisches Lexikon mit mehr als 1000 Fotos derberühmtesten Schiffe- Mit detaillierten Angaben zu jedem Schiffstyp, wie Baujahr,Tonnage, Länge, Verwendungszweck, Maschinenleistung, Reederei undHeimathafen etc.Schiffe strahlen seit jeher eine große Faszination aus und sindein wichtiger Teil unserer Geschichte. Ob Entdecker, Eroberer oderKauffahrer – erst die Entwicklung hochseetüchtiger Schiffeermöglichte die Überquerung der Meere und Ozeane und den weltweitenAustausch von Gütern und Waren. Mit über 1.000 detailliertenBeschreibungen und brillanten Abbildungen dokumentiert dieseSoftware die spannende Entwicklungsgeschichte derSchifffahrt.Von den ersten Papyrusbooten und Segelschiffen bis zu den mitmodernster Technik, GPS-Navigation und jeder MengeMaschinenleistung ausgestatteten heutigen Ozeanriesen werden alleberühmten Schiffe und Schiffstypen vorgestellt. So entfaltet sichdie gesamte Bandbreite des Schiffsbaus von den Anfängen bisheute.Detaillierte Angaben sowie historische Besonderheiten machen dieseApp zu einem exzellenten Nachschlagewerk mit einerunvergleichlichen Informationsfülle für jedenSchiffe-Liebhaber.
1000 Uniformen aus aller Welt 2.0
Ein Rückblick auf mehr als 3.000 JahreGeschichte der Uniformen mit mehr als 900 Abbildungen.- Elektronisches Lexikon mit mehr als 900 Abbildungen vonMilitäruniformen- Detaillierte Angaben zu jeder dargestellten Uniform, wie Land,Truppenteil, Waffengattung, Rangbezeichnung und Datierung- Aktuelle und historische Uniformen aus mehr als 100 Ländern:Alt-Württemberg, Bayern, dem Vatikan, Frankreich, Griechenland, -Indien, Japan, Kroatien, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mexiko, Neapel,Österreich-Ungarn, Persien, Preußen, Russland, USA u.v.a.1000 Uniformen aus aller Welt dokumentiert mit über 900brillanten Zeichnungen und Fotos die Geschichte derMilitär-Uniformen. Detaillierte Angaben und Beschreibungen zu jederdargestellten Uniform, wie Land, Truppenteil, Waffengattung,Rangbezeichnung und Datierung machen diese Software zu einemunentbehrlichen Nachschlagewerk der Uniformkunde.Zu den über 100 Ländern, deren Uniformen mit zahlreichenAbbildungen vorgestellt werden, zählen neben vielen historischenLändern wie etwa Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Alt-Württemberg oderSchaumburg-Lippe auch außereuropäische Staaten wie beispielsweiseJapan oder Mexiko.
The World of Marine Life 4.3.2
Jourist Verlags GmbH
The world’s shores, seas, and oceans are home to thousands ofdifferent species, from the mightiest sharks to jewel-like reeffish and armoured crabs. This book provides an indispensable guideto a wide range of fascinating marine creatures. By includingrepresentative examples from all of the world’s major marinefamilies, from starfish and anemones through to fish, squid,octopuses, whales and dolphins, Expert Guide: Marine Life offers atruly comprehensive overview of creatures from every sea and oceanand gives a sense of the incredible diversity of underwater life.Each of the 300 creatures is illustrated with detailed full-colorartwork. Entries are arranged by family, with each family sectioncontaining examples of the key species. For easy reference, eachentry includes a table of information showing scientific name,order and family, features, habitat, distribution, diet, andbreeding. A handy reference guide for students as well as generalreaders, Expert Guide: Marine Life will fascinate and inform anyonewith an interest in the natural world. • 300 species featured, withexamples from every major marine family • Superbly illustrated withdetailed, full-colour artworks • Table of information for eachspecies includes diet, habitat, and distribution • Quick searchfunctions • Glossary • Favorites section • All data stored offlineon your device. About the authors: After studying natural sciencesat Cambridge University, Michael Wright became a full-time writerand editor, specializing in science, technology, natural history,and health. He has written and produced numerous books on these andrelated subjects, for young people and adults. He lives in London.Giles Sparrow studied at Imperial College, London, before becominga freelance science writer and editor. He has contributed toseveral multi-author encyclopedias and partworks and is the authorof a series of reference books for children and adults. He lives inLondon.
1000 Fische aus aller Welt 2.0
Unternehmen Sie eine ausgedehnteEntdeckungsreise zu über 1000 Süßwasser- und Meeresfischen ausaller Welt.Unternehmen Sie mit dieser Software eine ausgedehnteEntdeckungsreise zu über 1000 Süßwasser- und Meeresfischen ausaller Welt. Fantastische Farbfotos und fachkundige wieunterhaltsame Begleittexte bringen Ihnen die schönsten undseltensten Meeres- und Süßwasserfische näher. Auf einen Blickfinden Sie umfangreiche Angaben zu jedem Fisch, seinerVerwandtschaft und Größe. In kürzester Zeit erfahren Sie soWissenswertes zu den wichtigsten Bestimmungsmerkmalen, zuLebensweise, Ernährung sowie zum Laich- und Aufzuchtverhalten derTiere. Daneben werden dem Anwender die lateinischen Namen sowieAngaben zum Vorkommen und dem bevorzugten Lebensraum nähergebracht. Mit Hilfe ausgefeilter Suchmechanismen haben Sie einensekundenschnellen Zugriff auf alle enthaltenen Wirbeltiere undMeeressäuger.
Impara le parole inglesi 1.2
Prezzo speciale di 0,89 € invece di 2,69 €fino al 12 maggio.Abbiamo il piacere di presentarti un prodotto unico, Impara leparole inglesi, sviluppato appositamente per aiutarti a ricordarele parole in modo efficace utilizzando il metodo delle schede.L'applicazione include più di 4.600 parole. Ogni parola vienepresentata in forma scritta e include una registrazione dellaparola pronunciata da una persona madrelingua inglese.Nel corso dell'apprendimento potrai accedere e utilizzare trentadizionari tematici (Cucina, Medicina, Affari e ufficio, Animali,ecc.). Puoi anche creare il tuo dizionario tematico personale,aggiungendo le tue parole personali o selezionandole dal dizionariogenerale.Questo comodo metodo di apprendimento (basato sul sistema dischede Leitner), ti permette di memorizzare le parole inglesi ilpiù rapidamente possibile. Il programma offre una selezione diquattro esercizi diversi: Traduzione in italiano, Traduzione ininglese, Dettato e Indovina la parola.★ Il programma è stato creato specificatamente per gli utenti dilingua italiana.★ Vocabolario con più di 4.600 parole.★ 30 dizionari tematici: Trasporto e veicoli, Al ristorante,Militare, Ora, Geografia, Grammatica, Affari e ufficio, Cucina,Animali, Fattoria, Arte, Rocce e minerali, Medicina, Musica, Nomidi paesi, Scienze, Frutta e verdura, Abbigliamento, Tempoatmosferico, Vacanze, Piante, Famiglia, Sport, Edifici e altrestrutture, Alloggio, Colori, Parole di uso comune, Sentimenti edemozioni, Scuola, Lingue.★ Selezione di dizionari tematici in continuo sviluppo.L'applicazione sarà aggiornata all'uscita di un nuovodizionario.★ Ogni parola include una sua registrazione pronunciata da unapersona madre lingua e una trascrizione del termine inglese.★ Opzione per creare e modificare dizionari personali.★ Selezione di quattro esercizi diversi: Traduci in italiano,Traduci in inglese, Dettato e Indovina la parola.Special price of € 0.89instead of € 2.69 until May 12.We are pleased to introduce a unique product, Learn Englishwords, specially developed to help you remember the wordseffectively using the method of the cards.The application includes more than 4,600 words. Each word ispresented in written form and shall include a record of the wordpronounced by a native speaker English.In the process of learning to access and use thirty thematicdictionaries (Kitchen, Medicine, Business and office, animals,etc..). You can also create your personal dictionary theme, byadding your own personal words or selecting them from the generaldictionary.This convenient method of learning (based on the Leitner cardsystem), allows you to memorize English words as quickly aspossible. The program offers a selection of four differentexercises: Italian Translation, English Translation, Dictation andGuess the word.★ The program was created specifically for users of the Italianlanguage.★ vocabulary with more than 4,600 words.★ 30 thematic dictionaries: Transport and Vehicles, therestaurant, Military, Time, Geography, Grammar, Business andOffice, Kitchen, Pets, Farm, Art, Rocks and Minerals, Medicine,Music, Names of countries, Science, Fruit and vegetables, Clothing,Weather, Holidays, Plants, Family, Sport, buildings and otherfacilities, Accommodation, Colors, Common Words, Feelings andemotions, School, Languages.★ Selection of thematic dictionaries in continuous development.The application will be updated release of a new dictionary.★ Every word includes a recording of a person pronounced bynative speakers and a transcription of the English word.★ Option to create and edit personal dictionaries.★ Selection of four different exercises: Translate in Italian,Translate into English, Dictation and Guess the word.
Angelgeräte 2.2
Ein unentbehrliches Nachschlagewerk für jedenAnglerDas Angeln ist eine uralte Leidenschaft mit hoher Anziehungskraftfür Jung und Alt. Aus dem ursprünglichen Fischfang mit Schnur undHaken haben sich längst zahlreiche Spezialdisziplinen entwickelt,die eine breite Palette an Ruten, Rollen, Ködern undAusrüstungsteilen erfordern. In dieser App werden die grundlegendenGeräte, wichtigsten Köder und das spezielle Zubehör aller modernenAngelmethoden mit über 1000 brillanten Abbildungen übersichtlichpräsentiert und leicht verständlich erläutert. Dabei finden auchbesondere Techniken wie das Sbirulino-, Match- oder Brandungsangelnihre Berücksichtigung. Anschauliche Beschreibungen und genaueAngaben zu den dargestellten Ausrüstungsteilen, wie Name,Hersteller, Material, Größe und Gewicht, geben Orientierungshilfebei der Erstausstattung wie auch bei der Erweiterung des Equipmentsund machen die App zu einem unentbehrlichen Nachschlagewerk fürjeden Angler.★ Elektronisches Lexikon mit mehr als 1000 brillantenAbbildungen der Angelgeräte.★ Detaillierte Angaben zum Namen, Hersteller, Material, Größeund Gewicht.★ Selektion nach Angelmethoden, Angeltechnik und Hersteller.★ Suchfunktion zum schnellen Auffinden des Equipments.★ Ausführliche Informationen zur unterschiedlicherFischereitechniken.An essential referencefor any anglerFishing is an age old passion with high appeal for young and old.From the original fishing with hook and line have long developedmany specialized disciplines that require a wide range of rods,reels, lures and equipment. In this app, the basic devices, majorbait and the special accessories for all modern methods of fishingare more than 1000 brilliant pictures clearly presented andexplained in easy to understand. This also find special techniqueslike the Sbirulino, match or surfcasting their consideration. Vividdescriptions and details of the illustrated pieces of equipment,such as name, manufacturer, material, size and weight, giveguidance for the initial as well as in the expansion of theequipment and make the app an essential reference for anyangler.★ An electronic dictionary with more than 1000 brilliantillustrations of fishing tackle.★ Detailed information on the name, manufacturer, material, sizeand weight.★ Selection by fishing methods, fishing equipment andmanufacturers.★ search function to quickly locate the equipment.★ For detailed information about different fishingtechniques.
Apprenez des Mots Anglais 1.2
Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter unproduit unique, Apprenez des Mots Anglais, qui a été développéspécialement dans le but de vous aider à vous souvenir des mots demanière efficace grâce à l’utilisation de la méthode des cartesmémoire.Cette application contient plus de 4 600 mots. Chaque mot vousest présenté avec sa forme écrite et comprend un enregistrement dela prononciation du mot fait par une personne dont la languematernelle est l’anglais.Trente dictionnaires à thèmes sont disponibles pour votreutilisation tout au long de votre apprentissage (Cuisine, Médecine,Animaux et autres). Vous pourrez aussi créer vos propresdictionnaires à thème, ajouter vos propres mots, ou lessélectionner depuis le dictionnaire général.Cette méthode d’apprentissage pratique (basée sur le système decartes mémoire de Leitner) vous permettra de mémoriser des motsanglais aussi vite que possible. Ce programme vous offre le choixde quatre exercices différents : Traduction vers le Français,Traduction vers l’Anglais, Dictée et Devinez le Mot.★ Ce programme a été spécifiquement créé pour les utilisateursde langue française.★ Vocabulaire de plus de 4 600 mots.★ 30 dictionnaires à thème : Les animaux, Les arts, Aurestaurant, Les bâtiments et autres édifices, Le langage du travailet des affaires, Les habits, Les couleurs, Les mots les pluscouramment utilisés, La cuisine, Les noms de pays, La famille, Laferme, Les sentiments et les émotions, La géographie, La grammaire,La maison, Les langues, La médecine, L’armée, La musique, Lesplantes, Les roches et les minéraux, L’école, La science, Lessports, L’heure, Les moyens de transport, Les Vacances, Les fruitset les Légumes, La météo.★ Une sélection grandissante de dictionnaires à thème.L’application sera mise à jour au fur et à mesure que de nouveauxdictionnaires sont mis à votre disposition.★ Chaque mot contient un enregistrement de la prononciation dumot fait par une personne dont la langue maternelle est l’anglais,ainsi qu’une transcription phonétique du mot anglais.★ Option disponible pour créer et éditer vos dictionnairespersonnels.★ Quatre exercices différents au choix : Traduction vers leFrançais, Traduction vers l’Anglais, Dictée et Devinez le mot.★ Tout le contenu est stocké sur votre appareil, vous n'avez pasbesoin d'une connexion internet pour l'utiliser. Vous n'avez besoinde télécharger les données nécessaires (environ 55 MB) qu'une seulefois.We are pleased tointroduce a unique product, Learn English Words, which wasspecially developed in order to help you remember words effectivelyby using the method of memory cards.This application contains more than 4600 words. Each word ispresented with its written form and includes a recording of theword spoken by a person whose mother tongue is English.Thirty themed dictionaries are available for your use throughoutyour learning (Kitchen, Medicine, Animals and others). You can alsocreate your own dictionaries theme, add your own words or selectfrom the general dictionary.This method of learning (based on the system card memoryLeitner) will allow you to memorize English words as quickly aspossible. This program offers you a choice of four differentexercises: Translation into French, translation into English,Dictation and guess the word.★ This program was specifically designed for users inFrench.★ Vocabulary of over 4600 words.★ 30 dictionaries theme: Animals, Arts, Restaurants, buildingsand other structures, the language of work and business, theclothes, the colors, the most commonly used words, Kitchen, namesof countries, Family, Farm, feelings and emotions, geography,grammar, House, languages, medicine, the military, music, plants,rocks and minerals, School, Science, sports, time, means oftransportation, The Holidays, Fruits and Vegetables, weather.★ A growing selection of dictionaries theme. The applicationwill be updated as and when new dictionaries that are available toyou.★ Each word contains a recording of the word spoken by a personwhose mother tongue is English, and a phonetic transcription of theword.★ Option available to create and edit personal dictionaries.★ Four different exercises to choose from: English to French,translation into English, Dictation and guess the word.★ All content stored on your device, you do not need an internetconnection to use it. You only need to download the necessary data(about 55 MB) once.
American Classic Cars Guide 4.3.5
Jourist Verlags GmbH
From the birth of popular road travel with the Ford Model T in1908, through the golden post-war era of lavish styling in carssuch as the 1959 Cadillac Series 62, to the modern-day Jeep, theUnited States has been at the cutting edge of automotive design.American Classic Cars looks in detail at the 300 most celebratedmachines from America over the last eight decades. The app providesa unique, exciting and readily accessible guide to Americanengineering, from the 1914 Stutz Bearcat to the 1999 Roush Mustang.American Classic Cars includes all the most famous and stylishvehicles from the twentieth century such as the Buick Riviera,Cadillac Eldorado, Chevrolet Corvette, Dodge Charger, Ford Mustang,Oldsmobile 4-4-2, Plymouth Fury, Studebaker Golden Hawk, and manymore. Each entry is illustrated by a side-, front- or three-quarterprofile colour photograph which help to bring these magnificentcars to life. Each entry is also accompanied by a detailedspecification table providing year of manufacture and the fulltechnical details of each car – including top speed, engine type,torque, weight, power, displacement and transmission. • 300 classicAmerican cars featured, each one illustrated with a full-colourphotograph • Each car’s development and history chronicled inauthoritative text • Specification table provided for each car,including top speed, engine type, weight, power and transmission;all measurements in imperial and metri • Quick search functions •Glossary • Favorites section • All data stored offline on yourdevice. Author Richard Nicholls has been writing about cars formore than 20 years. He has worked as an editor and photographer forBritish and American car magazines, and has organised successfuldrag racing events. He enjoys drag and circuit racing days andmodifying his own collection of classic cars. He lives inLincolnshire, UK.
Destroyers and Frigates 2.0
From the age of sail to the present day, 300of the most important destroyers, frigates and corvettes.Destroyers, Frigates and Corvettes contains 300 of the mostimportant and influential vessels of their kind to have sailed theseas since the age of sail. These range from the earliest torpedoboats to the latest state-of-the-art destroyers, including shipssuch as the valiant Flower-class corvettes which undertookessential convoy-escort work during World War II, the largemodern-day Spruance-class destroyers of the United States, andBritain’s Broadsword frigates, conceived for use against Sovietnuclear submarines.Each of the 300 vessels featured in Destroyers, Frigates andCorvettes is illustrated with a superb side-view artwork. Inaddition, each ship is accompanied by a detailed specificationstable giving displacement, launch date, dimensions, armament andperformance, plus a summary of the service history of the ship andits eventual fate.★ 300 destroyers, frigates and corvettes featured, each oneillustrated by a full-colour artwork★ Full displacement, performance and dimensions provided foreach vessel, all measurements in imperial and metric★ Each ship’s development history and career described infull★ Quick search functions★ Favorites section★ All data stored offline on your device's SD card. Internetconnection only required for the first database download (ca. 30MB)or for database updating.AuthorRobert Jackson is a former pilot and navigation instructor. As awriter in military, naval and aviation affairs, he has more than 80books to his name, including Suez: the Forgotten Invasion, TheRoyal Navy in World War II and Strike From the Sea: A History ofBritish Naval Air Power.
1000 Tierbabys aus aller Welt 2.0
1000 Tierbabys werden geordnet nachKontinenten und bevorzugten Aufenthaltsorten vorgestellt.- 1000 Tierbabys werden geordnet nach Kontinenten undbevorzugten Aufenthaltsorten vorgestellt.- Die unterhaltsamen Texte liefern u.a. Informationen zurEntdeckung der Art, dem Sozialverhalten, den Jagdtechniken sowiezur Entwicklung der Population sowie dem lateinischen Namen.In diesem elektronischen Lexikon der 1000 Tierbabys zeigenfantastische Farbaufnahmen der besten Tierfotografen die „Kinder“aller Kontinente aus nächster Nähe in ihren natürlichenLebensräumen. Von den eisigen Regionen der Arktis bis in die WüstenAfrikas wird die Vielfalt der Arten in allen Lebenssituationengezeigt. Fachkundige und dabei unterhaltsame Texte bieten einenumfassenden und mit Hilfe des farbenprächtigen Bildmaterials auchbeeindruckenden Überblick über die Welt der Tiere.
Apprenez des Mots Allemands 1.2
Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter unproduit unique, Apprenez des Mots Allemands, qui a été développéspécialement dans le but de vous aider à vous souvenir des mots demanière efficace grâce à l’utilisation de la méthode des cartesmémoire.Cette application contient plus de 5 000 mots. Chaque mot vousest présenté avec sa forme écrite et comprend un enregistrement dela prononciation du mot fait par une personne dont la languematernelle est l’allemand.Trente dictionnaires à thèmes sont disponibles pour votreutilisation tout au long de votre apprentissage (Cuisine, Médecine,Animaux et autres). Vous pourrez aussi créer vos propresdictionnaires à thème, ajouter vos propres mots, ou lessélectionner depuis le dictionnaire général.Cette méthode d’apprentissage pratique (basée sur le système decartes mémoire de Leitner) vous permettra de mémoriser des motsallemands aussi vite que possible. Ce programme vous offre le choixde quatre exercices différents : Traduction vers le Français,Traduction vers l’Allemand, Dictée et Devinez le Mot.*** Ce programme a été spécifiquement créé pour les utilisateursde langue française.*** Vocabulaire de plus de 5 000 mots.*** 30 dictionnaires à thème : Les animaux, Les arts, Aurestaurant, Les bâtiments et autres édifices, Le langage du travailet des affaires, Les habits, Les couleurs, Les mots les pluscouramment utilisés, La cuisine, Les noms de pays, La famille, Laferme, Les sentiments et les émotions, La géographie, La grammaire,La maison, Les langues, La médecine, L’armée, La musique, Lesplantes, Les roches et les minéraux, L’école, La science, Lessports, L’heure, Les moyens de transport, Les Vacances, Les fruitset les Légumes, La météo.*** Une sélection grandissante de dictionnaires à thème.L’application sera mise à jour au fur et à mesure que de nouveauxdictionnaires sont mis à votre disposition.*** Chaque mot contient un enregistrement de la prononciation dumot fait par une personne dont la langue maternelle est l'allemand,ainsi qu’une transcription phonétique du mot allemand.*** Option disponible pour créer et éditer vos dictionnairespersonnels.*** Stockez et synchronisez les dictionnaires sur iCloud.Synchronisation facile entre iPhone et iPad.*** Quatre exercices différents au choix: Traduction vers leFrançais, Traduction vers l'Allemand, Dictée et Devinez le mot.We are pleased tointroduce a unique product, Learn German Words, which was speciallydeveloped in order to help you remember words effectively by usingthe method of memory cards.This application contains more than 5000 words. Each word ispresented with its written form and includes a recording of thepronunciation of the word made by a person whose mother tongue isGerman.Thirty themed dictionaries are available for your use throughoutyour learning (Food, medicine, and other animals). You can alsocreate your own dictionaries theme, add your own words, or selectfrom the general dictionary.This practical learning method (based on the memory system mapsLeitner) will allow you to memorize German words as quickly aspossible. This program offers a choice of four different exercises:English to French, English to German, Dictation and guess theword.*** This program was specifically designed for users inFrench.Vocabulary *** more than 5000 words.30 *** dictionaries theme: Animals, Arts, Restaurants, buildingsand other buildings, the language of work and business, theclothes, the colors, the most commonly used words, Kitchen, namescountry, Family, Farm, Feelings and emotions, Geography, Grammar,Home, Languages, Medicine, army, music, plants, rocks and minerals,School, The science, sports, time, Conveyances, The Holidays,Fruits and Vegetables, weather.*** A growing selection of dictionaries theme. The applicationwill be updated as and when new dictionaries are at yourdisposal.*** Each word contains a recording of the pronunciation of theword made by a person whose mother tongue is German, and a phonetictranscription of the German word.*** Option available to create and edit your personaldictionary.Store and sync *** dictionaries on iCloud. Easy synchronizationbetween iPhone and iPad.*** Four different exercises to choose from: English to French,English to German, Dictation and guess the word.
Учу немецкие слова 1.2
Мы рады представить Вам уникальный продукт"Учу немецкие слова" специально разработанный для эффективногозапоминания слов по методике интервальных повторений с карточками.Мы учли многие пожелания пользователей наших предыдущих приложенийи сделали программу ещё более универсальной и очень удобной.Все слова озвучены профессиональным диктором - носителемнемецкого языка и имеют транскрипцию.Более чем 5000 слов представлено в приложении. Все слова имеюттранскрипцию и озвучены носителем немецкого языка.Для Вас уже доступны 30 тематических словарей (Еда и кулинария,Медицина, Деловая лексика, Животные и пр.) по которым можнопроходить обучение. Вы можете самостоятельно создавать своитематические словари, добавляя туда собственные слова или выбираяих из общего словаря.Удобная система обучения (основанная на системе интервальныхповторений Лейтнера с карточками) позволит Вам максимальнопродуктивно запоминать немецкие слова. В программе доступно 4варианта упражнений на выбор: "Перевод на русский язык", "Переводна немецкий язык", "Диктант" и "Угадай слово".★ Программа создана специально для русскоязычныхпользователей.★ Словарный запас более 5000 слов.★ 30 тематических словарей: Автомобили и другой транспорт, Вресторане, Военная терминология, Время, География, Грамматика,Деловая лексика, Еда и кулинария, Животные, Земледелие, Искусство,Камни и минералы, Медицина, Музыка, Названия стран, Наука итехника, Овощи и фрукты, Одежда, Погода, Путешествия и отдых,Растения, Семья, Спорт, Строительство, Хозяйство и быт, Цвета,Часто употребляемые слова, Чувства и эмоции, Школа, Языки.★ Расширение набора тематических словарей. По мере выпускадополнительных словарей приложение будет обновляться.★ Все слова озвучены носителем немецкого языка. Транскрипция длякаждого немецкого слова.★ Возможность создания и редактирования собственныхсловарей.★ 4 варианта упражнений на выбор: "Перевод на русский язык","Перевод на немецкий язык", "Диктант" и "Угадай слово".We are glad to presentyou with a unique product, "I teach German words" speciallydesigned for effective learning foreign languages ​​on howrepetition interval with cards. We took into account the wishes ofusers, many of our previous applications and made the program evenmore versatile and convenient.All words sounded a professional speaker - native German andhave transcription.More than 5000 words presented in the application. All words aretranscribed and voiced support of German.For you are available 30 specialized dictionaries (Food andCooking, Medicine, Business Words, Animals, etc.) which can betrained. You are free to create their own specialized dictionaries,adding there own words or by selecting them from the generalvocabulary.Convenient training (based on the system of interval repetitionsLeitner with cards) will allow you to efficiently memorize Germanwords. The program is available 4 different exercises to choosefrom: "The translation into Russian," "German translation","dictation" and "Guess the word."★ The program is designed specifically for Russian users.★ vocabulary of over 5000 words.★ 30 specialized dictionaries: Cars and other vehicles, in therestaurant, Military terminology, time, geography, grammar,business vocabulary, Food and Cooking, Animals, Agriculture, Art,Stones and minerals, medicine, music, country, Science andTechnology, fruits and vegetables, clothing, Weather, Travel &Leisure, Plants, Family, Sports, Construction, economy and life,colors, often used words, feelings and emotions, School,Languages.★ Enhanced set of thematic dictionaries. With the release ofadditional dictionaries application will be updated.★ All words voiced support German. Transcription for everyGerman word.★ The ability to create and edit your own dictionaries.★ 4 different exercises to choose from: "The translation intoRussian," "German translation", "dictation" and "Guess theword."
Jigsaw Guide to Paris 2.2
Jourist Verlags GmbH
Solving these jigsaw puzzles created fromphotographs of Paris’s best known sights and attractions is aunique way to immerse yourself in the fantastic atmosphere of thisfairy-tale city.Audio guide: a professionally narrated guide to each attractionmeans that solving the puzzles is not only entertaining butinformative too.You can expand your collection of puzzles by taking your ownphotos along the way, or selecting images from your gallery.• One puzzle is available free of charge for you to try out theapp. Once you purchase the full version, you will have access to 24puzzles with images of 17 Parisian sights.• All images adapt perfectly to the size of the screen beingused, including Full HD.• Audio guide: professionally narrated guide to eachattraction.• Three levels of difficulty for each puzzle. The easiest levelis suitable for children to solve.• You can create an unlimited number of puzzles by taking newphotos or downloading your own images from your gallery.
Jigsaw Guide to Barcelona 2.2
Jourist Verlags GmbH
Solving these jigsaw puzzles created fromphotographs of Barcelona’s best known sights and attractions is aunique way to immerse yourself in the fantastic atmosphere of thisgreat city.Audio guide: a professionally narrated guide to each attractionmeans that solving the puzzles is not only entertaining butinformative too.You can expand your collection of puzzles by taking your ownphotos along the way, or selecting images from your gallery.• One puzzle is available free of charge for you to try out theapp. Once you purchase the full version, you will have access to 24puzzles with images of 16 sights.• All images adapt perfectly to the size of the screen beingused, including Full HD.• Audio guide: professionally narrated guide to eachattraction.• Three levels of difficulty for each puzzle. The easiest levelis suitable for children to solve.• You can create an unlimited number of puzzles by taking newphotos or downloading your own images from your gallery.
Concept Cars 2.2
Die App dokumentiert umfassend und fundiertdieautomobilen Zukunftsvisionen und technischen Entwicklungen vonden1930er Jahren bis heute.Alljährlich stellen die großen Automobilkonzerne auf den Messendemstaunenden Publikum ihre Neuheiten vor. Concept Carsbegeistern,zeigen sie doch neben den künftigen Trends nicht seltenautomobileVisionen und Utopien. Manch eines dieser Fahrzeuge istnah an derSerienreife, bei dem Gros handelt es sich jedoch uminnovativeEinzelstücke, Träume, denen Gestalt verliehen wurde. Eswerden diekühnsten und aufregendsten Entwürfe derbekanntestenDesignschmieden vorgestellt. Außerdem zahlreichetechnischeEntwicklungen, die sowohl ökologischen als auchökonomischenBelangen Rechnung tragen, wie z. B. der Hybridmotor.Mit weit über1000 brillante Fotos und detaillierten Beschreibungenist die Appein exzellentes und interessantes Nachschlagewerk fürjedenAutomobil-Liebhaber und -Sammler.★ Elektronisches Lexikon mit mehr als 1000 brillantenAbbildungender Concept Cars.★ Detaillierte Angaben zum Namen, Hersteller, Modell, BaujahrundHerkunftsland.★ Selektion nach Herkunftsland, Hersteller und Epoche.★ Suchfunktion zum schnellen Auffinden der Autos.★ Ausführliche Informationen zur Geschichte und EntwicklungderConcept Cars.The app fullydocumentedand substantiated the automotive future visions andtechnicaldevelopments from the 1930s to today.Every year, the major car companies to make the trade totheastonished public their innovations. Concept Cars delight,theyshow next to the future trends often automotive visionsandutopias. Some of these vehicles is close to the productionstage,with the bulk of it is, however, innovative individualpieces,dreams that shape was given. It is the wildest and mostexcitingdesigns of the famous design forging are presented. Inaddition,many technical developments, which carry bothenvironmental andeconomic considerations into account, such as thehybrid engine.With well over 1000 beautiful photographs anddetailed descriptionsof the app is an excellent and interestingreference for every carlovers and collectors.★ An electronic dictionary with more than 1000 brilliantpicturesof concept cars.★ Detailed information on the name, manufacturer, model, yearandcountry of origin.★ selection by country of origin, manufacturer and age.★ search feature to quickly find the cars.★ For more information on the history and development oftheconcept car.
1000 Rennwagen 2.2
Die spektakulärsten Fahrzeuge von denAnfängenbis heuteRennwagen faszinieren durch ihre Dynamik und Schnelligkeit undsindSymbole für Geschwindigkeit und technischen Fortschritt. Mitüber1000 brillanten Fotos und informativen Texten derbeidenRennsport-Experten Hans G. Isenberg und Reinhard Klein bietetdiesebeeindruckende App einen umfassenden Überblick überdieverschiedenen Fahrzeugkategorien und deren spannendeEntwicklung.Von den Klassikern der frühen Automobilrennen bis zuden heutigenmit modernster Elektronik ausgestatteten,leistungsstarkenHightech-Boliden werden alle bedeutenden und auchteils schon inVergessenheit geratenen Typen und Modellevorgestellt. Porträtiertwerden darüber hinaus berühmte Personen undbekannteFahrzeughersteller der Rennsportgeschichte. So dokumentiertdiesesumfangreiche Nachschlagewerk die gesamte BandbreitedesAuto-mobilsports von den Anfängen des 20. Jahrhunderts bisheuteunvergessene Legenden auf vier Rädern, die das Herz einesjedenRennsportfans höherschlagen lassen.★ Über 1000 brillanten Fotos und informativen Texten.★ Detaillierte Angaben zu Modell, Baujahr und Geschichte.★ Selektion nach Epoche und Fahrzeugkategorie.★ Suchfunktion zum schnellen Auffinden der Fahrzeuge.The most spectacularcarsfrom the beginning to todayRacecar fascinating because of their dynamism and speed andaresymbols of speed and technical progress. With over 1,000brilliantphotos and informative text of the two racing expert HansG.Isenberg and Reinhard Klein offers this amazing app acomprehensiveoverview of the various vehicle categories and theirexcitingdevelopment. From the classics of the early automobile racetotoday's equipped with the latest electronics,high-performanceracing cars and also all significant part alreadyforgotten typesand models are presented. Portrayed are also famouspeople andfamous vehicle manufacturers of racing history.Documented so thiscomprehensive reference work the entire range ofautomobile sportsof the early 20th Century to the presentunforgettable legends onfour wheels that make the heart of anyracing fans beat faster.★ More than 1,000 brilliant photos and informative text.★ Detailed information on the model, year and history.★ Selection by age and vehicle category.★ search function to quickly locate the vehicles.
Jigsaw Guide to New York 2.2
Jourist Verlags GmbH
Solving these jigsaw puzzles createdfromphotographs of New York’s best known sights and attractions isaunique way to immerse yourself in the fantastic atmosphere ofthisgreat city.Audio guide: a professionally narrated guide to eachattractionmeans that solving the puzzles is not only entertainingbutinformative too.You can expand your collection of puzzles by taking yourownphotos along the way, or selecting images from your gallery.• One puzzle is available free of charge for you to try outtheapp. Once you purchase the full version, you will have access to30puzzles with images of 19 sights.• All images adapt perfectly to the size of the screenbeingused, including Full HD.• Audio guide: professionally narrated guide toeachattraction.• Three levels of difficulty for each puzzle. The easiestlevelis suitable for children to solve.• You can create an unlimited number of puzzles by takingnewphotos or downloading your own images from your gallery.
Jigsaw Guide to London 2.2
Jourist Verlags GmbH
Solving these jigsaw puzzles createdfromphotographs of London’s best known sights and attractions isaunique way to immerse yourself in the fantastic atmosphere ofthisgreat city.Audio guide: a professionally narrated guide to eachattractionmeans that solving the puzzles is not only entertainingbutinformative too.You can expand your collection of puzzles by taking yourownphotos along the way, or selecting images from your gallery.• One puzzle is available free of charge for you to try outtheapp. Once you purchase the full version, you will have access to24puzzles with images of 17 sights.• All images adapt perfectly to the size of the screenbeingused, including Full HD.• Audio guide: professionally narrated guide toeachattraction.• Three levels of difficulty for each puzzle. The easiestlevelis suitable for children to solve.• You can create an unlimited number of puzzles by takingnewphotos or downloading your own images from your gallery.
Jigsaw Guide to Berlin 2.2
Jourist Verlags GmbH
Solving these jigsaw puzzles createdfromphotographs of Berlin’s best known sights and attractions isaunique way to immerse yourself in the fantastic atmosphere ofthisgreat city.Audio guide: a professionally narrated guide to eachattractionmeans that solving the puzzles is not only entertainingbutinformative too.You can expand your collection of puzzles by taking yourownphotos along the way, or selecting images from your gallery.• One puzzle is available free of charge for you to try outtheapp. Once you purchase the full version, you will have access to24puzzles with images of 17 sights.• All images adapt perfectly to the size of the screenbeingused, including Full HD.• Audio guide: professionally narrated guide toeachattraction.• Three levels of difficulty for each puzzle. The easiestlevelis suitable for children to solve.• You can create an unlimited number of puzzles by takingnewphotos or downloading your own images from your gallery.
Audio City Guides Lite 1.1.4
Jourist Verlags GmbH
Audio City Guides Lite is a uniquetouristproduct which will captivate you during visits to selectedcities.The Venice audio guide is included free of charge. All otherguidescan be purchased additionally. The following cities arecurrentlyavailable: London, New York, Barcelona, Berlin, Vienna,Paris,Prague, Rome and St. Petersburg (Russia).Enjoy thrillingstoriesabout the city sights voiced by professionals and immerseyourselfin the distinctive atmosphere of the city.Just like a professional guide, each audio guide will tellyouabout the city's wonderful places of interest, show you picturesofthem and indicate their location on a map of the city, whichisincluded with the guide and is available offline.Once you have downloaded the desired cities, noInternetconnection is required. This saves you from incurringroaming feeswhile you are abroad.• Venice audio guide included free of charge.• Additional audio guides which can be purchasedseparately:London, New York, Barcelona, Berlin, Vienna, Paris,Prague, Romeand St. Petersburg (Russia).• New city guides are in the pipeline.• All sights are described in detail, recorded byprofessionalsand accompanied by photographs.• Universal App (Tablet + Phone)• Internet connection required only to download cities, thentheapp works offline.• High resolution offline maps, which incur no roamingcosts.
Jigsaw Guide to Rome 2.2
Jourist Verlags GmbH
Solving these jigsaw puzzles createdfromphotographs of Rome’s best known sights and attractions is auniqueway to immerse yourself in the fantastic atmosphere of thisgreatcity.Audio guide: a professionally narrated guide to eachattractionmeans that solving the puzzles is not only entertainingbutinformative too.You can expand your collection of puzzles by taking yourownphotos along the way, or selecting images from your gallery.• One puzzle is available free of charge for you to try outtheapp. Once you purchase the full version, you will have access to24puzzles with images of 17 sights.• All images adapt perfectly to the size of the screenbeingused, including Full HD.• Audio guide: professionally narrated guide toeachattraction.• Three levels of difficulty for each puzzle. The easiestlevelis suitable for children to solve.• You can create an unlimited number of puzzles by takingnewphotos or downloading your own images from your gallery.
Jigsaw Guide to Prague 2.2
Jourist Verlags GmbH
Solving these jigsaw puzzles createdfromphotographs of Prague’s best known sights and attractions isaunique way to immerse yourself in the fantastic atmosphere ofthisgreat city.Audio guide: a professionally narrated guide to eachattractionmeans that solving the puzzles is not only entertainingbutinformative too.You can expand your collection of puzzles by taking yourownphotos along the way, or selecting images from your gallery.• One puzzle is available free of charge for you to try outtheapp. Once you purchase the full version, you will have access to24puzzles with images of 15 sights.• All images adapt perfectly to the size of the screenbeingused, including Full HD.• Audio guide: professionally narrated guide toeachattraction.• Three levels of difficulty for each puzzle. The easiestlevelis suitable for children to solve.• You can create an unlimited number of puzzles by takingnewphotos or downloading your own images from your gallery.
Jigsaw Guide to Venice 2.2
Jourist Verlags GmbH
Solving these jigsaw puzzles createdfromphotographs of Venice’s best known sights and attractions isaunique way to immerse yourself in the fantastic atmosphere ofthisgreat city.Audio guide: a professionally narrated guide to eachattractionmeans that solving the puzzles is not only entertainingbutinformative too.You can expand your collection of puzzles by taking yourownphotos along the way, or selecting images from your gallery.• One puzzle is available free of charge for you to try outtheapp. Once you purchase the full version, you will have access to24puzzles with images of 17 sights.• All images adapt perfectly to the size of the screenbeingused, including Full HD.• Audio guide: professionally narrated guide toeachattraction.• Three levels of difficulty for each puzzle. The easiestlevelis suitable for children to solve.• You can create an unlimited number of puzzles by takingnewphotos or downloading your own images from your gallery.
Jigsaw Guide to Vienna 2.2
Jourist Verlags GmbH
Solving these jigsaw puzzles createdfromphotographs of Vienna’s best known sights and attractions isaunique way to immerse yourself in the fantastic atmosphere ofthisgreat city.Audio guide: a professionally narrated guide to eachattractionmeans that solving the puzzles is not only entertainingbutinformative too.You can expand your collection of puzzles by taking yourownphotos along the way, or selecting images from your gallery.• One puzzle is available free of charge for you to try outtheapp. Once you purchase the full version, you will have access to24puzzles with images of 18 sights.• All images adapt perfectly to the size of the screenbeingused, including Full HD.• Audio guide: professionally narrated guide toeachattraction.• Three levels of difficulty for each puzzle. The easiestlevelis suitable for children to solve.• You can create an unlimited number of puzzles by takingnewphotos or downloading your own images from your gallery.
Englische Vokabeln lernen 3.1.1
Jourist Verlags GmbH
Lernen Sie effizient die über 700 amhäufigstenverwendeten englischen Vokabeln.Ohne Englisch kommt man heutzutage nicht mehr sehr weit.ImUrlaub, beim Business-Meeting, beim Surfen im Web: Englisch istdiewichtigste Verständigungssprache. Als Schüler, als Studentoderspäter im Beruf: Vokabeln lernen lohnt sich immer!Das Lernverfahren der App basiert auf demKarteikasten-Prinzip.Ihr Ziel ist es, mit 4 unterhaltsamenÜbungsarten passend zumVokabeltraining nach und nach das höchsteKenntnisniveau "sehr gut"zu erreichen.Eine echte Besonderheit: Es können auch eigeneVokabellistenangelegt werden. So ist es möglich, den Wortschatz zuerweiternoder eigene Vokabellisten aus dem vorhandenen Wortschatzzuerstellen.Und das bietet die App „Englische Vokabeln lernen Lite“:• Über 700 vertonte englische Vokabeln zum Lernen. DieVersionPRO enthält über 5000 Vokabeln, unterteilt in30Themenwörterbücher.• Audiovisuelles Training: gleichzeitig zu dervisuellenWahrnehmung der angezeigten Wörter auf Englisch undDeutsch, wirdder zu lernende Begriff auf beiden Sprachenvorgelesen. Zuerst hörtman das Wort auf Deutsch an, danach wird dasWort mit einerZwischenpause zweimal auf Englisch vorgelesen.• 4 Übungsarten für das Vokabeltraining: „Übersetzung ausderFremdsprache“, „Übersetzung in die Fremdsprache“, „Diktat“und„Wörter raten“.• Universal-App mit Tablet-Unterstützung.• Anlegen eigener Vokabellisten.• Funktionalität zur Synchronisation derbenutzereigenenWörterbücher und Lernerfolge zwischen denGeräten.• Alle Inhalte werden offline auf dem Gerät gespeichert. Esistkeine Internetverbindung für die Nutzung erforderlich. Sieladennur einmalig die Inhalte auf Ihr Gerät.• Benutzeroberfläche komplett auf Deutsch.• Sehr einfache Bedienung, die für alle Altersstufenverständlichist - vom Kind bis zum Rentner.Learn efficientlytheEnglish vocabulary over 700 most frequently used.Without English you now no longer very far. On vacation, atthebusiness meeting, while surfing the web: English is themainlanguage of communication. As a student, as a student or laterin ajob: learning vocabulary is always worthwhile!The learning process of the app is based on the cardboxprinciple. Your goal is to match reach with 4 entertaining waystopractice vocabulary training gradually the highest levelofknowledge "very good".A real feature: You can also create your own vocabulary listscanbe created. Thus, it is possible to extend the vocabulary, ortocreate your own vocabulary lists from the existingvocabulary.And the app offers "English vocabulary learn Lite":• More than 700 set to music for English vocabulary learning.ThePRO version contains over 5000 words, divided into 30topicsdictionaries.• Audiovisual Training: while the visual perception ofwordsdisplayed in English and German, the learning to name spokeninboth languages. First you hear the word in German, then the wordisa two-break will be read twice in English.• 4 types of exercises for vocabulary training, "translationfroma foreign language", "translation into a foreignlanguage","Dictation" and "Words advise".• Universal app with tablet support.• Create your own vocabulary lists.• functionality to synchronize the user's own dictionariesandlearning outcomes between the devices.• All content is stored offline on your device. ItInternetconnection required use. Upload only once the content toyourdevice.• User Interface completely in German.• Very simple operation that is understandable for all ages-from children to pensioners.
The World of Birds 4.3.2
Jourist Verlags GmbH
Thriving on every continent and occupying every possible niche inthe food chain, birds can be found wherever there is food tosustain them. From Antarctic penguins to flamboyant Africanparrots, this app provides an indispensable guide to the hugediversity of bird life. By including representative examples fromthe world’s major avian families, from swallows and hummingbirds togulls and pelicans, from eagles to the albatross, emu and ostrich,The World of Birds offers a truly comprehensive overview. Each ofthe 300 creatures is illustrated with a detailed full-colourartwork, with accompanying text. Entries are arranged by family,with each family section containing examples of the key species.For easy reference, each entry includes a table of informationshowing scientific name, order and family, features, habitat,distribution, diet and breeding. A handy reference guide forstudents as well as general readers, The World of Birds willfascinate and inform anyone with an interest in the natural world.• 300 bird species featured, with colourful and striking examplesfrom every major group • Superbly illustrated with detailedfull-colour artworks • Table of information for each speciesincludes diet, habitat and distribution • Quick search functions •Favourites section • All data stored offline on your device. Aboutthe Author After studying natural sciences at Cambridge University,Michael Wright became a full-time writer and editor, specializingin science, technology, natural history and health. He has writtenand produced numerous books on these and related subjects, foryoung people and adults. He lives in London.